TravelCrazed Artisan

an online journal of photography and writings from the visual and verbal eye of Blake J. Nolan.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Photomatic - Two Trips, One post.

Snape Road. On the way to the estate at Aldeburgh.

View from behind main house.

Sun setting in Aldeburgh.

Again, behind main house.

Harry and Barney looking at a dieing seagull.


Looking up the tree I was standing under in the last shot.

Fresh mushroom that Harry had picked for breakfast.

Me Again.

Thick moss on the ground everywhere. Super soft stuff.

Sunset through trees.

Tanya walking along jetty sort of thing. Very cool.

Looking up from jetty.

Me in the thick fall ground cover.

Sweet trees behind house.



Blue door. Nuff said.

Cool graffiti.

Walk through the park.

Round Church. Built in the 1300's.

Cubist statue on Jesus College.

Green Door. Nuff said.

Walkway outside of Saint James Church.

Grass outside of Saint James Church.

Saint James College.

Bridge that I crossed over. No symbolic undertone. :-)

Train at tube/train station. Pigeon landed there as I sat to shoot. Good timing.

Moss infested bridge at Cambridge.

Swan under previous bridge.

Walkway in a random church.

Same shot obviously, but in color. I liked both of them too much.

1000 year old church with brand new clock. Thought it looked way too new personally.

Blue spiral staircase that led up to a dorm room. Very sweet.

Different blue stair case in same area.

Drunken statue. :-)

Found this lonely flower and set of earrings sitting on this ledge. Thought
it was sad.

Wall sculpture in random church.

Saint James College. Becoming obsessed with lamps for some reason.

Spiral stairway in Saint James College.

Same staircase, different lens. I was laying on the floor for this shot in a
busy area. Very funny looks from all around.

Saint James College.

More at Jesus College. Lamp much?

Interesting bird house on Jesus College.

Sweet leaves.

Retarded tree.

Less retarded tree.

Jesus College. Side view of next shot. Lamp.